Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Walk! ( and other random happenings)

This is Adam and I at the Noah's Arc scene please notice the little elephant bums right behind us! And for everyone who doesn't know what this blessed event is I will tell you. Some creative people have put scenes together and everything is made up of pumpkins this year the theme was heroes. I always enjoy it, maybe even more than the children.
This is my niece Kaissa she is being Yoda, she didn't really know what was going on but she always smiles for the camera.
This was right before the pumpkin walk my friend Katie and I made Halloween sugar cookies, we had cookie cutters but when we got sick of that we made our own creations I made fangs and Jack from the nightmare before Christmas.
When we were eating lunch on campus the other day I looked up and Adam had many things hanging from his beard and didn't even know it. He says he doesn't want to cut it until we get back from Thailand which is in May so I better get used to things dangling from it.
Whistle while you work!
I was trying to look wise like Jedi master while I was Yoda.
I thought this was cool the water is coming out of that pumpkin and they are floating in it. what will they think of next.


Christensen Family said...

Hilarious! Snow White and Yoda! I need to make some sugar cookies! You have inspired me!

Nells-Bells said...

LOVE the pumpkin walk. Did you love the one they dedicated to Brent? So cute.

Porter said...

The beard must stay!!! They wont respect Adam in Thailand if he cuts his beard!

Merrells said...

Those pics are great! It's a toss up between who's a better Yoda, Kai or Brit...

kimchristiansen said...

I like the baby elephant bums!!! haha i need to go to that one of these yrs. hey i finally started blogging so here it is


The fountains in Vegas

We went to Las Vegas over Spring Break and we saw a wax sculpture of Whoopi she was making us laugh. ( thats my friend Brittany)

what would we do without sisters

adam and Joelle she is so fun

Me and Adam in Puerto Rico last summer

we love our gram!

Adam taught me to golf last summer

We like to go camping in the summer, I cant wait til it finally gets warm enough to go some more

At the Jazz game

Team Tres Hermanas will reunite this June

Wayne and Garth: Halloween 2006